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Format: 2025-01-21
Format: 2025-01-21

Our information

Working hours
Monday - Sunday
08:00 h -15:00 h
17:00 h -20:00 h
Podvrtaje 65
22 243 Murter, Croatia
GPS coordinates:
T: 00385 (0)22 436 544
F: 00385 (0)22 436 545

Tourist guide

On the interactive map you can have a look at Murter and Kornati on the map from satellite, terrene map or ordinary map.

Look at attractive panoramas in 360 ° of some interesting locations and beaches on the isalnd Murter.

Find out some useful information how to come to Murter by car, by bus, by train, by ship or by plane.

Island Murter is famous for its beautiful beaches. Look at descriptions and photos of the best known beaches in villages Murter, Betina, Tisno, Jezera, and the beaches on Kornati islands. Descriptions and photos of the beaches Slanica, Kosirina, Podvrške, Čigrađa, Jazine, Lovišća, Luke, Plitka vala...

We have chosen several restaurants and taverns for you, all of which stand out for their pleasant atmosphere, as well as a rich offer in both Mediterranean specialities and local cuisine.

On this web-site, history of Murter and the Kornati is presented to you through a few interesting stories and some key events given chronologically. They were mostly taken from the "Murterski otočni brevijar" ("The breviary of the Island of Murter") written by Stanko Ferić, published in collaboration with the Kornati National Park and found in every major tourist office in the region.

Calendar of the most important fests or events that traditionally take place in villages Murter, Betina, Jezera, Tisno and on Kornati islands every year.

Mild climate with a large number of sunny days a year, diversity of winds and island's location - all make it possible to do different sports, both on water and on land. Every sports fan can find something for himself, especially those who like sailing, scuba diving, windsurfing, fishing, rowing...

On the island Murter and neighboring Kornati islands there are 5 marinas, what this archipelago with numerous islands makes particularly interesting.

The island Murter is still famous for its olive oil, and the long tradition in production of high quality olive oil has been continued until today. Olive oil produced in this region is unique in its quality, colour, taste and fragrance.