Search accommodation

Format: 2025-01-13
Format: 2025-01-13

Our information

Working hours
Monday - Sunday
08:00 h -15:00 h
17:00 h -20:00 h
Podvrtaje 65
22 243 Murter, Croatia
GPS coordinates:
T: 00385 (0)22 436 544
F: 00385 (0)22 436 545

How to make a reservation?

In a column ¨How to make a reservation¨ can be found the instuctions how to find an appropriate accommodation and make a reservation. First search an accommodation category which you are interested in: private accommodation (apartments, houses, rooms, fishermen houses), hotels or pensions.


1. Find a category of your interest

Private accommodation

  • Apartments
  • Houses
  • Rooms
  • Fishermen houses


  • Hotels
  • Pensions

2. Select a category of your choice

Select them by choosing "my choice" or simply remember them.

3. Send and enquiry on the availability

It can be sent from "my choice", directly from the site of a particular choice, it can be emailed to us or faxed.

4. Book what is available

After you have been noticed which accommodation units are available, choose the one you like best and start the booking procedure by confirming the reservation of a unit.

5. Confirming the reservation with an advance payment

After you have decided to book an accommodation unit, you have to pay and advance, which is a percentage of the full price of the accommodation:
- 30 % for apartments, rooms, hotels, B&Bs and fishermen's houses (the rest needs to be paid upon arrival at the reception desk of the agency)
The advance needs to be paid within 24 hours during the season (1st July - 1st September) or within 2 days the rest of the year. After that, the confirmation of payment needs to be emailed or faxed to the agency.
After we receive your advance, your reservation will be confirmed.

6. Arrival

Check-in: after 14:00 p.m., Check-out: until 10:00 a.m.
Check-in of guests upon arrival: at the reception desk of agency Arta in Murter